?> Finques Sauleda: Tu administrador de fincas

Legal notice

Jordi Ferrer Sauleda (hereinafter, Finques Sauleda), with NIF.: 37.332.392-B, is the entity that owns the “Finques Sauleda” portal or of the website you have accessed.

Access to the portal or any of the “Finques Sauleda” websites and to the information related to any of the products and services they contain implies acceptance of the General Conditions provided. in this legal notice. Therefore, you must read the content carefully if you want to access and use the information and services offered on the portal or on any of the “Finques Sauleda” websites.

1. Validity of information

The information and conditions contained in these pages are those in force since the date of their last update on April 6, 2016. “Finques Sauleda” reserves the right to modify the information and conditions at any time and in that case they would come into force from their publication and would be applicable to all users of the portal or the website from then on.

The contents of any of the web pages, especially the informative and advertising references, unless otherwise indicated, do not constitute a binding offer. “Finques Sauleda” reserves the right to introduce modifications or omit all or part of the current content when it deems appropriate, as well as to prevent or restrict access temporarily or permanently.

“Finques Sauleda” may include third-party content and links to third-party web pages in any of its websites, always with the authorization of their owners, such as on social networks and other information. . In none of these cases “Finques Sauleda” is not responsible for the pages and content of third parties, nor for their operation and availability.

2. Navigation and customization

Simply browsing through the “Finques Sauleda” website is free and does not require prior user registration. However, access, contracting or using some products or services may require the user to register. In this case, each of these products and services is governed by its own specific conditions, without prejudice to the conditions provided here.

In some of the portals or websites, it offers the user the possibility of personalizing the pages, including different wallpapers, or configuring access to their preferred products and services, which It makes the navigation and location of the resources used efficient, functional and, therefore, adapted to the tastes and uses of each user.

3. Security

The “Finques Sauleda” portal and websites are provided with the certificates, seals or security and quality accreditations necessary to offer a safe environment to registered users, when so it is applicable. However, we recommend that you consult and carefully read the Security Recommendations that “Finques Sauleda” has on its portal available to all users.

4. Privacy and data protection policy

“Finques Sauleda” fully complies with current legislation on the protection of personal data and the confidentiality commitments inherent to its activity.

“Finques Sauleda” has adopted the necessary technical measures to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the treatment, with the aim of avoiding , to the extent possible and always according to the state of the art, its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

If you are asked to fill out a form in which personal data is collected, the client or user of the recipient of the information is informed of the purpose for which the data is collected. data, the identity and address of the person responsible for the file and the user´s power to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of their data. The personal data collected is only processed and/or transferred for the expressed purpose and always with the consent of the user or client.

So that the information contained in our files is always up-to-date and does not contain errors, we ask our clients and users to inform us, as soon as they can, of any modifications and rectifications to their data. of a personal nature.

5. Cookies policy

The “Finques Sauleda” web pages have cookies, which are small data files that are stored on the user´s or client´s computer and that can allow our systems to remember characteristics or browsing preferences on our web pages that can be used to personalize access on subsequent visits, make browsing safer, collect statistical information about browsing or learn about user preferences.

The “Finques Sauleda” cookie policy is subject to the community and Spanish regulations in force, relating to the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the healthcare sector. electronic communications. By virtue of this, “Finques Sauleda” informs you below of the cookies it uses on each of its websites and, when necessary, asks for your consent to use them.

5.1. What are cookies?

The “Finques Sauleda” web pages use cookies and other files with similar functionality. Cookies are small data files that are sent to the user´s computer, mobile phone or other access device when the user visits a web page and that allow obtaining information related to their navigation or a code that uniquely identifies the user.

5.2. Types of cookies and purposes of use.

When browsing this website they use session cookies and persistent cookies which, in turn, may be their own or third-party cookies.

Session cookies are cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only interesting to keep for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion.

Persistent cookies are a type of cookie in which the data continues to be stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a defined period by the person responsible for the cookie, and which It can range from a few minutes to several years.

OWN COOKIES Those created or managed by the person responsible for the “Finques Sauleda” website. The “Finques Sauleda” web pages use their own persistent cookies for the following purposes:

Technical cookies: They are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application, and the use of the different options or services therein, such as controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts and use security elements during navigation. Personalization cookies: These cookies allow the user to specify or personalize some characteristics of the general options of the website. For example, you can set the language, wallpaper, etc. Analysis cookies: They are those that allow the monitoring and analysis of the behavior of website users, for the preparation of browsing profiles, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of usage data with respect to the product offering and/or or services.

THIRD-PARTY COOKIES Those administered by analysis, social network and behavioral advertising service providers other than “Finques Sauleda”.

The third parties that can configure and access the cookies (not exempt from information and consent) on your computer and the purposes for which the information they contain are used are detailed below. store:

Technical purpose: These are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application, and the use of the different options or services therein, such as such as storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound, or sharing content through social networks.

  • - Facebook (more info)
  • - Twitter (more info)
  • - LikedIn (more info)
  • - Youtube (more info)
  • - Google (more info)

Purpose of personalization: they allow the user to specify or customize some characteristics of the general options of the web page.

  • - Facebook (more info)
  • - Youtube (more info)

Purpose of analysis: Used to distinguish users when browsing with a statistical purpose of web analytics.

  • - Adobe Omniture (more info)
  • - Brightcove (more info)
  • - Twitter (more info)

5.3. Deactivation or elimination of cookies.

Most web browsers allow you to manage, at any time, the user´s preferences regarding the use of cookies. The user can adjust their browser to reject cookies or delete certain cookies at their discretion.

To configure cookies the user can access:

Google Chrome: Tools → Settings → Show advanced options → Content settings → Cookies → Block site data and third-party cookies

Mozilla Firefox: Tools → Options → Privacy → History → Use custom settings for history (uncheck all boxes).

Internet Explorer: Tools → Options → Privacy → History → Use a setting Tools → Internet Options → Privacy → Settings for the Internet zone (move up the navigation bar to Block all cookies).

Safari: Edit → Preferences → Privacy → Block cookies (select “always”).

Opera: Menu → Settings → Privacy and security → Cookies section (select Block third-party cookies and location data).

The user can revoke their consent to the use of cookies in their browser using the instructions above.

The user must take into account that some characteristics of the contents of the “Finques Sauleda” web pages are only available if the installation of cookies in their browser is allowed. If you decide not to accept or block certain cookies (depending on their purpose), this may affect, in whole or in part, the normal functioning of the website or prevent access to some of its services.

5.4. Updates and changes to the cookie policy.

“Finques Sauleda” may modify this Cookies Policy based on new legislative and regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

When significant changes occur in this Cookies Policy, the user will be informed through an informative notice on the website.

6. Mobile portals and geolocation

Some of the “Finques Sauleda” web pages are adapted for use on mobile devices, so the presentation and content of the different mobile applications may not coincide or are exact to those of the portal or those of the different websites.

Likewise, some of the web pages for mobile devices or applications may have geolocation functions, in order to determine, when activated by the user, the location of this device in every moment. This way you can access the services that require geolocation and that “Finques Sauleda” has available.

Access to the aforementioned services requires the user to activate the geolocation function on their mobile device, and can deactivate it at any time.

7. Intellectual property

The portal and web pages of “Finques Sauleda”, the pages it comprises and the information or elements they contain include texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, bases of data, computer programs and also logos, brands, trade names or other distinctive signs, protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, of which “Finques Sauleda” or the companies in its Group are owners or legitimate licensees.

“Finques Sauleda” does not grant any guarantee about the legality and legality of the information or elements contained in the “Finques Sauleda” web pages in the event that the ownership thereof does not correspond to “Finques Sauleda” or the companies in its Group.

8. Prohibited and permitted uses

Any form of exploitation is prohibited, including all types of reproduction, distribution, transfer to third parties, public communication and transformation, by any type of support and medium, of the works, creations and distinctive signs referred to above without the prior and express authorization of the respective owners. Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an infraction punishable by current legislation.

However, at your own risk and expense, the user may download or make a copy of such elements exclusively for personal use, provided that it does not infringe any intellectual property rights or industrial “Finques Sauleda”. In particular, it cannot be altered, modified or deleted in whole or in part. In no case does this mean any authorization or license over the property rights of “Finques Sauleda” or the companies in its Group.

It is prohibited, except in cases where “Finques Sauleda” expressly authorizes it, to establish links, hyperlinks or links from third-party portals or websites to “Finques Sauleda” web pages ” other than the main page of its portal, as well as presenting the web pages of “Finques Sauleda” or the information they contain under frames, distinctive signs, brands or social or commercial names of another person, company or entity. /p>

9. Responsibilities

“Finques Sauleda” does not guarantee continued access, nor the correct viewing, downloading or use of the elements and information contained in the “Finques Sauleda” web pages, which may be prevented, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond their control.

“Finques Sauleda” is not responsible for the information or other content integrated in third-party spaces or web pages accessible from the “Finques Sauleda” web pages through links, hyperlinks or links, nor of the information and other content integrated in spaces or web pages of third parties from which the “Finques Sauleda” portal or any of its web pages are accessed through links, hyperlinks or links, nor of the information and contents of any third-party website that is presented under the appearance or distinctive signs of “Finques Sauleda”, unless expressly authorized by the latter.

“Finques Sauleda” and its information providers, as third parties, do not assume any responsibility in relation to the information, content of any kind, products and services offered or provided. through the web pages of “Finques Sauleda” by third parties or entities, even if they belong to the same economic group, and, in particular, for damages of any kind that, linked to what has been mentioned, may occur. due to: (i) absence or deficiencies in the information provided to users or in its truthfulness, accuracy and sufficiency; (ii) breach or defective or untimely performance of contracts or pre-contractual relationships; (iii) failure to comply with the obligations incumbent on information society service providers; (iv) infringement of the rights of consumers and users; (v) infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights; carrying out acts of unfair competition or illegal advertising; (vi) violation of data protection rights; of professional secrecy and the rights to honor, personal and family privacy and the image of people; (vii) in general the failure to comply with any laws, customs or codes of conduct that may be applicable, and (viii) any decision made depending on the information provided through the “Finques Sauleda” portal.

Neither “Finques Sauleda” nor the information providers, as third parties, assume any responsibility for damages, losses, claims or expenses caused by: (i) interference, interruptions, errors, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, caused by deficiencies, overloads and errors in telecommunications lines and networks, or by any other cause beyond the control of “Finques Sauleda”; (ii) illegitimate intrusions through the use of malicious programs of any type and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other; (iii) improper or inappropriate use of the “Finques Sauleda” web pages, and (iv) security or navigation errors caused by a malfunction of the browser or by the use of non-updated versions of it.

10. Applicable legislation

These General Conditions are governed by Spanish legislation.

© Finques Sauleda.